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Leadership is a skill that I had not really taken time to develop coming into the Honors Program. I had some leadership experience from extra curricular activities in high school, but I certainly did not and do not consider myself someone who naturally gravitates towards leadership opportunities or consider myself a natural leader. Furthermore, I had a very narrow conception of leadership that was limited to seeing it as being a distinctly authoritative quality that was used in formal leadership positions. It was not that I did not consider leadership to be that way universally, more so that I only thought of leadership being used by myself in such scenarios, which was not often. During my time in the Honors Program I have been able to learn about my strengths and how I can use them to my advantage in leadership. I also learned to reflect on leadership that I use in less formal positions. Collectively, my experiences have allowed me to create a defined leadership style; a democratic style by default, but ultimately one reliant on communication and fitting the needs of the situation and position I am in.



Strength Finder Report

In Honors 201 you are required to take a strength finding test to determine your strength and values. Doing this allowed me to be cognizant of my strengths and contemplate how I can incorporate them into competencies, especially leadership. The results also were major determinants in formulating a mission statement that addressed my strengths and goals.  I also used the test when reflecting on how I have grown as a leader.


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